Birth of a Startup

In 2006, while dealing with a relationship breakup, I started a company in my living room. To keep myself sane during that lonely, stressful, exciting time, I started a blog. I called it Birth of a Startup, and I meticulously documented all the highs, lows, and (very many) mundane moments, over the first few years of building my first company.

The blog went dormant for a while, but I managed to rescue the posts and resurrect them in this new blog. I plan to continue adding to this section of my blog as I continue to birth new startups, and make all sorts of new mistakes along the way. Enjoy (and scroll down to 2006-2008 posts to have a solid giggle at how naive I was!).

28 May, 2020

The end of a startup

2020-05-30T00:32:57+01:00May 28th, 2020|Birth of a Startup|

13 years ago, I began a version of this blog. You can even read that first post here (and if you scroll to the bottom of, you can read these early blog posts in chronological order). I called the blog Birth of a Startup, and it was going to be about the trials and

2 Apr, 2019

Lancelot heads to Avallon

2019-04-03T16:00:52+01:00April 2nd, 2019|Birth of a Startup, Puppy adventures|

The poetry and synchronicity of my choice of car name and my choice of first destination in France is not lost on me. Both Lancelot and Avallon are famous in the Arthurian legend, which I was obsessed with as a child (well, and as an adult). It is fitting that this is the start of