About Alicia Navarro

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So far Alicia Navarro has created 125 blog entries.
4 Dec, 2024

Missing ring – hoping for a miracle here!

2024-12-04T16:39:21+00:00December 4th, 2024|Random musings|

I'm putting it out to the universe. I lost a ring (well, a stack of three rings) that are very dear to me. You can see the three rings in the photo here. I bought them for myself when I reached a really important life milestone, and I am heart-broken to have lost them. Here

24 Jun, 2020

How to resign from your own company

2020-06-24T13:07:52+01:00June 24th, 2020|Lessons & Advice|

Startup founders are the subject of a very intensive content marketing campaign led by VCs. VC's success come from investing in people that are so focused and determined to succeed, that they give up everything else until they achieve something rare and challenging: a large exit. Their business model relies on finding founders that are

20 Jun, 2020

A simple guide to affiliate marketing

2020-06-20T17:19:52+01:00June 20th, 2020|Lessons & Advice|

Oddly, in the last couple of weeks, I've had 7-8 emails from friends asking for some advice on affiliate marketing. It's weird: I ran Skimlinks for 11 years, and yet as soon as its not mine anymore, people suddenly are curious about the wonders of referral marketing! The thing is, I don't *really* know that

28 May, 2020

The end of a startup

2020-05-30T00:32:57+01:00May 28th, 2020|Birth of a Startup|

13 years ago, I began a version of this blog. You can even read that first post here (and if you scroll to the bottom of Navarland.com, you can read these early blog posts in chronological order). I called the blog Birth of a Startup, and it was going to be about the trials and