Random musings

4 Dec, 2024

Missing ring – hoping for a miracle here!

2024-12-04T16:39:21+00:00December 4th, 2024|Random musings|

I'm putting it out to the universe. I lost a ring (well, a stack of three rings) that are very dear to me. You can see the three rings in the photo here. I bought them for myself when I reached a really important life milestone, and I am heart-broken to have lost them. Here

1 Sep, 2019

What sex, tipping and product design have in common

2019-09-01T12:06:51+01:00September 1st, 2019|Random musings|

This is a slightly awkward piece to write, because it is about sex (sorry, mum). But I'm not a sex columnist, I usually write about my travels and starting tech businesses. But it strikes me that there are some really interesting things about how men and women engage in sex together that has some useful

24 Mar, 2019

Lancelot’s demise

2019-03-24T14:56:50+00:00March 24th, 2019|Puppy adventures, Random musings|

It is very hard to shake off the reputation I have of being unlucky, when one hour after buying a new car, a truck crashes into you. Yes. Sigh. I was all giddy with excitement on Thursday when I caught the train to the dealership in Fareham from where I bought my car. Why would

23 May, 2018

Why I love the sea

2019-02-11T20:47:25+00:00May 23rd, 2018|Random musings, Ruminations, Sabbatical|

This post was written in my journal, while sitting on a bench overlooking the Pacific, during a week-long workshop on Offering to the Divine at Esalen (I wrote about the overall experience here). This rumination on the sea is quite beautiful, and probably the only piece of writing I'll share publicly from that week.  I've