Birth of a Startup

In 2006, while dealing with a relationship breakup, I started a company in my living room. To keep myself sane during that lonely, stressful, exciting time, I started a blog. I called it Birth of a Startup, and I meticulously documented all the highs, lows, and (very many) mundane moments, over the first few years of building my first company.

The blog went dormant for a while, but I managed to rescue the posts and resurrect them in this new blog. I plan to continue adding to this section of my blog as I continue to birth new startups, and make all sorts of new mistakes along the way. Enjoy (and scroll down to 2006-2008 posts to have a solid giggle at how naive I was!).

16 Jan, 2007

Sleep deprivation

2018-10-03T19:49:07+01:00January 16th, 2007|Birth of a Startup, Ruminations|

The thing I find the hardest to cope with while trying to start a business and work full-time, is the sleep deprivation. This is made significantly worse is you try to be healthy and exercise, because the only time I can do so is before I go to work. This means waking up at 6am,

1 Jan, 2007

Here we go…

2018-10-03T19:46:48+01:00January 1st, 2007|Birth of a Startup, Ruminations|

Damn, I hate to admit it, but Google are good. After struggling for more hours than I will admit, trying to get the Terapad blogging service to look vaguely customised, I heaved a sigh of resignation, and transferred over to Google's Blogger service. It may not be as professional, but goodness, it is easy. So