One of the surprises of returning to Sydney – one of the joys that I forgot existed – is the glory that is a jacaranda tree in November. Relax, I’m not about to launch into my usual saga of effusiveness about beauty… I’ll keep it short and punchy. All Australians know the surprising soul-soothe that is a bold big jacaranda tree, so startlingly purple that is literally takes your breath away. And non-Australians reading this, well, you just need to ensure you visit during late October to witness the spectacle.
What I am particularly relishing is the walk up to my flat. I live in the most delightful spot – at the end of a road avenued by lush green trees and framed with elegant terraces laced with pretty bougainvillea. Just when you think you are almost at the end of the street, the terraces end, and instead you get a sweeping view of the city skyline, the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, and vibrantly blue Harbour waters. You walk on, and then the road ends, and a pedestrian-way begins. That is where the glory truly culminates for me. The border of my property is full of honeysuckle, and with the warmth in the air, the scents escape and tantalise you. Suddenly rendered intoxicated, you then notice the jacaranda. There are two, actually, but one is literally over the entrance-way to the property. And over the last few days, the flowers have started to shed. What this means, is you feel you are some martyred queen of the floral kingdom, and invisible nymphs have scattered jacaranda blossoms for your royal feet to tread upon. It almost feels like hallowed grounds. You arch your head back in wonder, and then see the arching glory of the blossoms above you. You are encased in purple, still slightly drunk from the honeysuckle scents, and you literally feel you have entered another sphere of existence. Its wonderful.
Then I finish the walk into my flat by passing lush tropical palms and ferns… and then of course the beauty stops as I tread upon the distinctly unappealing carpet of my building foyer, but its ok, I’m still in a giddy stupor from the jacarandas… How on earth will I cope when their floral reign ends??
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