
Clay pigeons and magical creatures

What an extraordinary day today has been! The day began with an 11am beer on a large boat on the harbour. That heralded a fairly interesting start. It swiftly followed with the most surprising activity

Living alone

Here are my thoughts on living alone, now that I have been doing so for about 3 months: 1. I love walking around naked. It doesn't matter that almost every wall of my flat is

Settling in Sydney

It's now been over 3 months since I have settled back in Sydney. Its been unsurprisingly a very eventful time. I wonder if my life will ever be ordinary (I sincerely hope not). I will

My new baby

The sign of incredible sadness. That I can get so excited by the purchase of an IBM laptop. Yep, call in the undertakers and clowns, I have officially achieved geek status. Although perhaps not. Interestingly

African ambling and killer-Kili

My time in Africa, unsurprisingly, was fraught with drama and adventure. It started calmly enough: I began on a two week safari trip around Kenya and Tanzania, which was incredible. I saw loads of wildlife


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.