It’s now been over 3 months since I have settled back in Sydney. Its been unsurprisingly a very eventful time. I wonder if my life will ever be ordinary (I sincerely hope not).

I will spare you the details of what has been a horribly difficult time for me, enough to say that moving countries is not an easy thing to do, and some things that you wish were different have stayed stagnant, and other things that you thought were constants in your life show their weaknesses.

But I climbed Kilimanjaro for goodness sake. I can handle a few life upsets, right? So I start every morning with the wonderful Inaya Day song ‘Hold your head up high’, and as I stride along Wooloomooloo Wharf, with the sun glinting off the harbour, on my way to work. And I have surrounded myself with wonderful people who make my heart well with joy. The newest of these friends is a girl called Sunita.

I met her on Mardi Gras night at Damien and Sean’s house. It was one of those meetings that if she were a guy would have been love at first sight. I seem to have that kind of falling-in-love-with-girl-friends phenomenon with all the women that become my best friends, and with Sunita it was sharper than ever. In fact, I have come to realise she was an angel sent to me from the heavens to help me through challenging times. OK, that’s rather cheesy. But sometimes people enter your life that in retrospect you realise were fundamental to your life path.

Within weeks we were camping together, going on road trips together, having adventures. We were each others last-person-to-speak-to-before-you-go-to-sleep. We were able to communicate with just a glance. We had random mussel nights and dressed as porn-stars at gay parties. Sunita made my home-coming not only palatable, but thrilling. She was the element that turning ‘settling’ into ‘scintillating’.

So now I face my life here refreshed. I still miss London terribly, particularly at this time of year when the sun sets at 10:30pm and everyone spins in a heady mania of joy. But you know, I have here in Sydney the things that truly matter: my family that I adore and finally really enjoy spending time with, warmth and sunlight and water and seafood, and of course, almost all my closest friends. All that was left was the determination to make my new reality into something extraordinary and thrilling, and I can now state – with the help of people like Sunita – this is finally happening.