

Adventures, get-aways, wanderings and discoveries

I love to savour the world’s beauty, experience its teachings, and survive the inevitable mishaps along the way! From the verdant footpaths of Britain to the ancient ruins of Peru, I’ll share my tales and recommend top tips.

April 2007

An orchard and too much food

April 26th, 2007|

My favourite memory from my Easter weekend down at Kangaroo Valley with my boys, was strolling through the orchard at the bottom of the estate, burrowing our noses in rose buds. The chalet we booked for the weekend was spectacular, even making someone as effusive as I normally am stunned into awed silence. It had its own pond, complete with ducks and lilypads. And beyond the

August 2006

6 people in the bush

August 28th, 2006|

What happens when you take 3 gay men, 2 princesses, and a very open-minded guy, out to the bush for the weekend? Well, surprisingly, lots of very sedate fun! Damien, Sean, Broc, Richard, Sunita and me, went this past weekend to Leura in the Blue Mountains. Here in Australia, because we don't have our Christmas during the cold time of year, we have this amusing semi-event called

Skiing with the boys

August 20th, 2006|

One of the amusing aspects of working in a team where I am the only women, is that when, like a few weeks ago, your company rewards your team with a weekend away in the snow, I have to spend a weekend with 15 very nice, but geeky, men.Luckily, my intense training after 5 years of being best friends with a large group of gay men

Clay pigeons and magical creatures

August 17th, 2006|

What an extraordinary day today has been! The day began with an 11am beer on a large boat on the harbour. That heralded a fairly interesting start. It swiftly followed with the most surprising activity I have ever partaken in: laser clay pigeon shooting! Imagine proper rifles that have been remodelled on the inside to shoot laser pulses. Then imagine small fluoro disks that were flung

March 2006

African ambling and killer-Kili

March 23rd, 2006|

My time in Africa, unsurprisingly, was fraught with drama and adventure. It started calmly enough: I began on a two week safari trip around Kenya and Tanzania, which was incredible. I saw loads of wildlife including lions, elephants, giraffes, hyenas, hippos, rhinos, cheetahs, etc, and developed new-found respect for the beauty and majesty of all these animals. The landscape is every bit as breathtaking as films

January 2006

I’m a cowgirl!

January 4th, 2006|

I had one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life yesterday! I became a cowgirl! I have been in Dahab for a week now, chilling out, diving, exploring. But I decided on a whim that I would like to go horse-riding. Dahab is surrounded by craggy red mountains, and juxtaposed with the Red Sea's blueness, it makes for breathtaking scenery. I felt very certain that

December 2005

Egyptian calamities

December 27th, 2005|

After my 4th calamity of my Egypt tour, a concerned fellow traveller asked if I was ok. "Oh yes", I assured her, "This is normal for me. My friends in London call me Calamity Jane, and I think you can see why". She looked at me, and nodded understandingly. First Calamity I walked into my single hotel room in Aswan, closed the door, and looked around.

Key of Life

December 21st, 2005|

Egypt is officially the most different country I've ever been to. Culturally, geographically, socially, its all very exotic and so different from Western societies. Firstly, they home deliver KFC. Tee hee... sorry, just noticed a congregation of KFC motorcycle delivery men out the window of this internet cafe. Now that is an interesting concept... The items of wonder I am referring to are a little more

An attempt to summarise

December 12th, 2005|

Goodness, its been ages since I last updated this blog, I do apologise. In my attempt to get up to date as quickly as possible, I am going to shamefully summarise the last month's key points in one large entry... horror, I know, but necessary. Getting to know you After girlie roadtrip, Kath departed and Melli and I headed on to Italy. In Bari, we ended