Hi, I’m Alicia!
- find out more about my work and passions
- follow my early entrepreneurial journey
- live vicariously from my learnings (and mistakes)
- become inspired by my travels and adventures
- gain recommendations for useful products and services
- ask me to share my tales by speaking at your event

About me
Entrepreneur, passionate speaker, empathetic advisor.
Explore some of the things I’ve built and achieved. Listen, read and watch some of my interviews and coverage. And get in touch if you’d like me to help you with your business or speak at your event.
Thoughts, experiences, ideas and reflections
A blog documenting the trials and tribulations of starting and running a tech startup, of living in these exciting but challenging times, and of learning and becoming – bit by bit – the best I can be.
Recent ruminations
A simple guide to affiliate marketing
Oddly, in the last couple of weeks, I've had 7-8 emails from friends asking for some advice on affiliate marketing. It's weird: I ran Skimlinks for 11 years, and yet as soon as its not
The end of a startup
13 years ago, I began a version of this blog. You can even read that first post here (and if you scroll to the bottom of Navarland.com, you can read these early blog posts in
It’s not just about the performance…
Well. Here we are. What an extraordinary time we find ourselves in. I've wanted to blog about so many fascinating facets of what's been going on as a result of the coronavirus - with me,
Recent travel posts
What I’ve been working on: FLOWN
A week or two after I left Skimlinks, a year ago now, I first encountered this problem: that it's hard to get things done in London sometimes. I mean, its great for networking and selling
Cruising to Bilbao… or Phase 2 of my Journey
Fresh with the learnings from my first 10 days in Avallon, I set-off on Phase 2 of my nomadic odyssey. This time, rather than drive to France via the Euro Tunnel, I discovered it was
10 days in Avallon: 7 things I learnt
I had a mission. A bold one. It was to go away to a beautiful rural setting, and find focus and flow so that I could achieve a number of deep work tasks. I intended
Recent shopping posts
My startup journal from the very beginning…
February 2007
White versus colour in web site backgrounds
In designing my soon-to-be-released web application, I pondered for a while over what colour background to use. A trivial concern you may think, but
Am I disadvantaged being based in Sydney?
I read an interesting post (with interesting comments) on one of my favourite blogs Read/Write Web about whether the location of your web business matters
The challenges of finding a business name
Its hard enough thinking up a clever, original and catchy company name. Its made infinitely more difficult by then having to see whether the
Top 5 things I have learnt so far
I've been working on my little business for the past 8 months or so now, and most of that time was spent developing the
I’ve decided I want seed capital
So, despite earlier posts declaring I was going to get my startup launched all on my own, and the self-evident pride I felt in
March 2007
Heartbreak – my first seed funding rejection
Well, I finally heard back from the seed capital fund I had requested funding from. I guess unsurprisingly, they declined. Their reasons were that