Hi, I’m Alicia!
- find out more about my work and passions
- follow my early entrepreneurial journey
- live vicariously from my learnings (and mistakes)
- become inspired by my travels and adventures
- gain recommendations for useful products and services
- ask me to share my tales by speaking at your event

About me
Entrepreneur, passionate speaker, empathetic advisor.
Explore some of the things I’ve built and achieved. Listen, read and watch some of my interviews and coverage. And get in touch if you’d like me to help you with your business or speak at your event.
Thoughts, experiences, ideas and reflections
A blog documenting the trials and tribulations of starting and running a tech startup, of living in these exciting but challenging times, and of learning and becoming – bit by bit – the best I can be.
Recent ruminations
What sex, tipping and product design have in common
This is a slightly awkward piece to write, because it is about sex (sorry, mum). But I'm not a sex columnist, I usually write about my travels and starting tech businesses. But it strikes me
The end of the adventures of Leithy, Lumi and Lancelot
Just over 3 months ago, I set off on an adventure. I had bought a car (Lancelot) and loaded it with my puppy (Lumi) and quite a lot of other luggage, and drove off. There
What I have learnt from my dog
Having a dog has been good for me. Better than I could have imagined. Lumi is a great companion: amusing, patient, loving, easy-going. She has made me laugh more in the last 6 months than
Recent travel posts
Learning about “Offering” in Esalen
One of the first items I put into my "Sabbatical" Trello Board of life dreams was to do a course in Esalen, Big Sur. A few years into starting Skimlinks, it became apparent that we needed
My “sabbatical” (or my “Summer of Love”)
As many of you know, on April 4th, 2018, I stood shaking with nerves in front of the Skimlinks team, and told them that I was stepping down as CEO. After over 10 years of dedicated
Feasting in Oaxaca
After kicking off my Sabbatical in Esalen, I then flew down - via Los Angeles - to Oaxaca, Mexico. It would be the start of the Mexican leg of my Sabbatical, and one which
Recent shopping posts
My startup journal from the very beginning…
May 2007
The final touches
This is the frustrating part. My site, my darling site, that has taken almost a year to coax into being, that is almost ready,
June 2007
Still going…
Apologies again for my lax communication. Its just that the message has not changed overly. I'm still almost there, but not quite ready for
Am I wrong to be pedantic?
Its been a long time since we started developing my site... many many months. It is a relatively complex application, and I have the
Point made – pre-launch for blog readers!
I have to thank 'Anonymous' commenter who left this very direct and very true comment on my last post: Lot's of I's. I this
September 2007
Big news to announce
Its quite startling to sit here and attempt to summarise what the last 2 months have meant to my startup. The last time I
October 2007
Setting up in London
I have now been in good ol' London town for about 3 weeks. And what a whirlwind of a maelstrom of dizzy madness its